Delivering the message for Meridian
Customer Communications
The Challenge
Meridian Energy briefed a multi channel retention campaign targeting 11,000 long-term residential customers. The recipients were divided into six segments, who would receive six different loyalty offers.
The Solution
Blue Star uses the highly customisable GMC Inspire software, a Customer Communications Management (CCM) tool that allows us to create, manage and deliver seamless multi channel customer communications. It lets us optimise customer interactions across call centres, online, SMS, email and print.
A select group received a direct mail piece with both a personalised URL for redeeming their loyalty offer online and a tear-off Freepost return card. A wider group received a personalised eDM, which clicked through to a single-use online redemption page. Non-responders from both groups received a follow up communication.
The Blue Star Advantage
In addition to a quality print job on FSC certified paper stock, this campaign allowed us to demonstrate our integrated multi channel capabilities.
We were able to provide the client with real time redemption and customer behavioural reporting through an online portal. Every week, personalised gift cards were printed and dispatched to customers who had taken up their redemption offer.
The Results
71% of Meridian’s targeted customers redeemed their loyalty offer.
We helped make this possible by making it super easy for customers to opt-in to the offer in what is often a low engagement category.